MBT SAS's success story

How to improve the planning of the hiring of vehicles thanks to a precise organisation of the work schedule and the availabilities?

Smedar's success story

Company Overview

The MBT company specialises in the rental of vehicles with drivers in the transport of ready-mixed concrete in the Toulouse, Albi, Agen, Bordeaux, Bayonne and Angoulême regions. Incorporated as a limited liability company since 1998, the activity of MBT is focused on :
- Transport of ready-mixed concrete with drivers.
- Training.
To provide all its services, the MBT company offers its customers a fleet of 18 vehicles (including trucks, trucks with telescopic mats, semi-trailer trucks) and a team of 17 employees on permanent contract.

Chauffered car rental service
Schedule uses:
Holiday planning, training planning, park management, timetable management, staff planning, appointment management

Our scheduling needs

We really needed to effectively manage the paid leave of our employees.

Better responsiveness thanks to precise management of the work schedule

PlanningPME serves us daily to plan the management of drivers and vehicles. We also use it to plan rentals for short and medium term but also for billing. Thanks to a remote management of the planning we could improve the performances and the reactivity internally. PlanningPME software is used for our general management, administering the schedule of maintenance and secretariat teams.