IP Focus's success story

How to be more effective and reactive on constructions sites?

IP Focus's success story

Company Overview

IP-Focus, an electricity company specialised in communicating buildings, supports companies in the evolution of the communication infrastructure of their establishments. Our teams offer solutions for communicating rooms, efficient and economical. Beyond electricity and traditional wiring, we work to put in place solutions that allow you to use your buildings optimally.

• Communicating with your collaborators, residents or customers
• Secure & Protect goods and people
• Manage & Optimise the controls of your infrastructures and their energy footprint

IP Focus is based in Angers (France) and works on all Pays de la Loire

Electrical and electronic industry
Schedule uses:
leaves tracking management, employee management, fleet management, projects

Our scheduling needs

The values of companies that drive our 25 employees are Reactivity and Quality.
In order to best meet our commitments, we need a flawless visibility on our availability. We manage our 18 technicians as well as our material resources in a centralised way.
The only way to ensure a consistent vision for all our business managers is to work with a single planning and accessible network.

Optimised management of construction sites and technicians

We have been using the PlanningPME product for over 8 years with perfect satisfaction. We find it efficient and flexible for managing our team of 18 technicians but also our equipment. It allows the 3 project managers to work on a day to day basis with a perfect availability visibility.