Optimise your work and your life with effective time management

Hervé Kopyto
Updated on 16/10/2024 10 min reading
  1. What is the definition of time management?
  2. What are the benefits of good time management?
  3. How do you prioritise your time management?
  4. What tools are needed for good time management?
  5. FAQ

In a nutshell

In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, time management is an invaluable skill. This article explores the concept of time management, gives advice on setting priorities effectively, details the benefits of good time management and suggests tools that can help achieve effective time management.

What is the definition of time management?


Time management is the process of organising and planning how you divide your time between specific activities. It is a key skill for improving efficiency and productivity, reducing stress and achieving work-life balance.

What are the benefits of good time management?

Effective time management offers a number of significant benefits, both professionally and personally. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency : Good time management means you can do more in less time. By planning and organising your tasks, you can avoid wasting time and optimise the use of your resources.
  • Less stress : Stress is often the result of poor time management, when you feel overwhelmed by your tasks. By managing your time effectively, you can establish a more regular work rhythm, avoid overwork and reduce your stress levels.
  • More time for leisure and relaxation : you manage your time well, you'll find yourself with more free time to relax and enjoy your hobbies. This can lead to a better quality of life and a better work-life balance.
  • Achieving goals : Effective time management helps you stay focused on your long-term goals. By organising your time according to your priorities, you can ensure that you have enough time to pursue your goals.
  • Less procrastination : Time management involves planning when you are going to complete certain tasks. This planning can help avoid procrastination by creating a clear structure for your day.
  • Better decision-making : When you manage your time effectively, you have more time to think before you make decisions, which often leads to better decisions.
  • Career enhancement : Individuals who are able to manage their time effectively are often seen as highly competent and reliable, which can lead to career opportunities and professional progression.

In short, good time management can improve your productivity, reduce stress, help you achieve your goals, enhance your career and give you more time to relax and enjoy life.

How do you prioritise your time management?

Setting priorities is an essential step in managing your time. By being clear about what's important and what's less important, you can ensure that you're devoting your time and resources to the tasks that are truly meaningful and important to you. Here are a few steps to help you set your priorities:

  1. Identify your tasks and responsibilities :
    Make a list of all the tasks and responsibilities you have. This could include things related to your work, your family, your hobbies, your health, etc.
  2. Assess importance and urgency :
    Once you have a list, rate each task according to its importance and urgency. A popular way of doing this is to use the Eisenhower matrix, which divides tasks into four categories: important and urgent, important but not urgent, not important but urgent, not important and not urgent.
  3. Prioritise your tasks :
    Based on your assessment, prioritise your tasks. Tasks that are both important and urgent should be at the top of your list. Tasks that are important but not urgent are next, followed by tasks that are urgent but not important. Tasks that are neither urgent nor important should be at the bottom of your list.
  4. Plan your time :
    Now that you have a list of priorities, plan your time accordingly. Make sure you spend time each day on the tasks that are at the top of your priority list.
  5. Review and adjust regularly :
    Your priorities may change over time, so it's important to regularly review and adjust your list of priorities and your planning.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you spend your time on the things that are really important to you, which can help you to be more productive and satisfied.

What tools are needed for good time management?

There are a multitude of tools that can help improve time management. These tools, which range from software to organisational techniques, can help you plan, prioritise your tasks and optimise your agenda. Here are just a few of them:

Time management software

Time management software, such as PlanningPME, is designed to help plan and coordinate tasks. They generally offer features such as creating to-do lists, scheduling appointments, tracking the time spent on each task, and the ability to delegate tasks to other team members.

The Eisenhower Matrix

It's a time management tool that helps you prioritise tasks by dividing them into four categories based on their urgency and importance. This tool can help identify which tasks deserve your immediate attention, which can be scheduled for later, which can be delegated, and which can be eliminated.

Time management training

Time management training, whether online or in person, can teach you effective strategies and techniques for managing your time. These courses can cover topics such as setting priorities, managing interruption, procrastination, and work-life balance.

Planning tools

Diaries, calendars and planners can all help you organise your time. They allow you to see clearly when you have free time and when you're busy, which can help you schedule your tasks more effectively.

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to time management, so it's important to choose the tools that best suit your needs and working style. By using these tools effectively, you can improve your productivity, reduce stress and achieve a better work-life balance.


The Eisenhower matrix is a time management tool that helps you classify your tasks according to their urgency and importance. It's a grid system with 'urgent' and 'not urgent' on one axis and 'important' and 'not important' on the other, allowing you to classify tasks into four categories for more effective time management.

Good time management can help to reduce stress by helping you to focus on the most important tasks and avoid feeling overwhelmed. It can also help prevent work overload and ensure that you have enough time to relax and unwind.

PlanningPME is time management software that offers a variety of features, including task scheduling, resource management and time optimisation. It can help increase productivity by providing a clear view of tasks and facilitating team collaboration.

Effective time management training generally includes teaching priority-setting techniques, training in the use of time management tools, teaching planning and organisational methods, and learning strategies for avoiding procrastination and dealing with interruptions.