Mairie de Bagneux's success story

What are the day-to-day uses of a schedule for a town hall?

Mairie de Bagneux's success story

Company Overview

Bagneux Town Hall
More than 800 agents
1 maintenance department with 200 staff
1 communication / public relation department managing 14 communal rooms

Public services
Schedule uses:
Rooms management, IT material occupation, vacation planning, cars planning, maintenance schedule

Our scheduling needs

Our main requirements in terms of planning management were:
1 - How to quickly identify available maintenance staff taking care of:
- maintenance of 10 schools with 3 or 4 different weekly slots and 5 agent profiles (assistant, maintenance staffing, catering agent, caretaker, group leader)
- cleaning and maintenance of communal buildings (town hall, theater, municipal health center, socio-cultural center, communal halls,...)
2 - Identify the periods of occupancy of the communal hall rooms in order to schedule cleaning services of the Maintenance Department/ Communal Buildings Maintenance Department.

Manage the town hall staff

PlanningPME provides us with a weekly and monthly view of the availability of staff in the department (Maintenance - 200 staff), enabling the administrative manager to better assess the need to reinforce a particular team.
If a site manager reports a staff shortage on a given day, PlanningPME allows you to see if returns are expected in the short term (agents in training, missing personnel on an isolated day, …) and thus allows to advise on the priority tasks to accomplish while waiting for the return of the workforce or if the absences go spread over the week (illness, holidays…) and require the forecast of reinforcement.
The software also allows us to identify the personnel moved from one site to another to help. PlanningPME also show us to identify the number of available resources per site, per skill,…
In addition, PlanningPME by managing the occupation of the communal rooms allows us to schedule the intervention of the maintenance agents according to the free slots. On the other hand, it makes it possible to measure the number of hours of occupation of the rooms by the different requestors (associations, individuals, departments of the twon hall, individual society)